Our Team 

Katie Lisi

Hi, my name is Katie Lisi

Who makes up your family? I have been married to Bob Lisi for almost 19 years. Our children are Isaac (18), Maya (15), Noranna (13), Sam (11), Owen (8), and Henry (5).

What are some things you enjoy? Vegetable gardening, cooking, tap dancing, and swimming

How do you take your coffee? Light roast pour over with a sploosh of heavy cream

Do you have a favorite quote? Mother Theresa: “Do something beautiful for God.”

Who inspires you? All Mothers in many ways 

What are you most looking forward to with regards to the Ragnar Relay? Being with this amazing group of brave women all working towards the same goal! 

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team? For all the women and families that will be touched by the care and education from the practitioners of Northland FertilityCare!

Kate Scheuring

Hi my name is Kate Scheuring

Who makes up your family? I am the youngest in a family of 5 with an older brother and older sister. 

What are some things you enjoy? I love traveling and being outside, especially in the mountains. I love to hike, camp, swim, ski, really anything outdoors. I also love to spend time with family and friends and play games.  

Have you ever met anyone famous or been on the news? I won a radio contest and met Rascal Flatts when I was in 8th grade.  

What are you most looking forward to with regards to the Ragnar Relay? I’m looking forward to the excitement and challenge of running overnight and getting to know the team. 

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team? I have always wanted to run a Ragnar and when I got invited to join this team, I was so happy to join a team that helps women in need! 

Rose Marquis

Hi, my name is Rose Marquis 

Who makes up your family? My strapping husband and 5 beautiful children.

What are some things you enjoy? I enjoy dancing, spending lots of time outside, reading, lots and lots of reading. I enjoy exploring new places with my family and a well-made drink.

How do you take your coffee? Double shot espresso.

Have you ever met anyone famous or been on the news? I have met former President George W. Bush at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. I was mentioned on a morning talk radio show for a car accident I was in on 94W several years back.

Do you have a favorite quote? Quotes speak to different situations and phases of life, but the quote next to my kitchen sink right now is “humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up.” James 4:10

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team? I love a good challenge. I also think it would be lovely if more and more women were truly informed about their bodies, health and reproductive health. Also, because my mother-in-law asked me to :)


Elizabeth Spehar

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Spehar

Who makes up your family? I am married to my husband, Luke, and we have 4 daughters- Jane (7), Mary (5), Josephine (3) and Lucille (1)

Have you always enjoyed running? I have always loved running. I was surrounded by it growing up, so it has been a part of my life for many years. The role it plays in my life has evolved. I used to be competitive and always want to get faster and compete. Now, I am grateful for the chance to move my body, get some time to think and pray, and get outside. If I get to do it with a friend, then I am really happy!

What are you most looking forward to with regards to the Ragnar Relay? Spending time with incredible women and working hard and even suffering a little bit together. The sense of community and fellowship while doing something challenging for a prescribed time is so satisfying!

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team? I committed to Running this Ragnar because I believe in the mission of Northland and I love to run and it feels like this challenge aligns so perfectly with my values and my gifts so it feels like it is such a gift to join this team!

Katie Habedank

Hi, my name is Katie Habedank

Who makes up your family? My husband Wes and six marvelous children.

What are some things you enjoy? Sunshine, fresh air, honest work, and beautiful people. How do you take your coffee? In the little quiet moments or in the company of friends. 

Have you always enjoyed running? I hated running as a child, but have grown fond of both the simplicity and accessibility of the sport. I also enjoy biking, rowing, gardening and activities with the kids.

Do you have a favorite quote? “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in all circumstances give thanks; for this is the will of God for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team? For family, personal health, our daughters, freedom in fertility, and feminine fellowship.

Rachel Westphal

Hi, my name is Rachel Westphal! 

Who makes up your family? I am married to my awesome husband, Aaron, and mom to three amazing boys; Henry, Louis, and Theodore. 

What are some things you enjoy? I love to read or listen to a good book when I can find some free time and enjoy watching the ships come into the harbor in Duluth.  

How do you take your coffee? You’ll find me with an iced coffee all year round.

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team? I am running on the Women Run for Women Team because I deeply believe in its mission and the mission of its supporter, Northland Family Programs. The way women’s bodies work is incredible, and all women deserve to not only know and understand their cycles and fertility, but also to achieve healthy cycles and fertility as well. I’ve worked at Northland for nearly six years now and feel so privileged to teach and empower so many women and couples.


Mary Holterman

Hi, my name is Mary Holterman

Who makes up your family? My parents and my 4 siblings (I'm the 2nd youngest) 

Have you always enjoyed running? I ran cross country in high school and then cross country and track for 3 years of college, Go Blugolds! Running looks a bit different now but I really enjoy the mix of challenging my body, being outside, and being able to explore new places. 

Do you have a favorite quote? “Get after it”

What are you most looking forward to with regards to the Ragnar Relay? The 2-day long race day atmosphere and getting to connect with my teammates. 

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team? I'm passionate about women within my community having the opportunity to be educated on the beauty of their bodies and the gift of their fertility and Northland Family Programs does an incredible job at making that information accessible. 

Sarah Lundy

Hi, my name is Sarah Lundy.

 Who makes up your family? I have been married to my husband, Tanner, for 15 years. We have 5 children; Sophia, Katherine, Clare, Lucy, and James, with one on the way! We are due on Halloween!

Who inspires you?  Many people inspire me to be a better person and do God’s will in my life, from parents, siblings, spouse, and children; to those I have never met but listen to on podcast or through books and the Bible; there are too many to list separately. 

What are you most looking forward to with regards to the Ragnar Relay? I am looking forward to making some memories with some amazing women while raising money for a great cause! Also, I am in a different van this year, so that will be interesting!! 

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team? My why for participating in Ragnar is my faith, and also my family. Having 4 girls so far I want them to see their bodies, all aspects of it, as something to be grateful for and not something that needs to be stifled in anyway.

Marguerite Tadych

Hi my name is Marguerite Tadych. 

Who makes up your family? I am married to Mark and we have 6 grown children and 18 grandchildren. 

What are some things you enjoy? Playing the piano, gardening, reading and spending time with my children and grandchildren

How do you take your coffee? Black when I am alone and cream when I am with friends

Have you always enjoyed running? Yes, I was in track and cross country in High School. I enjoy every walk/run I put it! 

Do you have a favorite quote? “I can do all things through God who strengthens”

Who inspires me? My children, especially Anna 

What are you most looking forward to with regards to the Ragnar Relay? Spending time with the wonderful Women Run for Women Team as a support and being the team mom. 

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women? I love the mission of Women Run for Women and Northland Family Programs. This year I came back as a support role to help along the way  I want to have an active role in raising money for Northland Family Programs. 


Gwyn Walter

Hi, my name is Gwyn Walter

Who makes up your family? My husband Brian and our 7 children, Anna 20, Josh 18, Eleanor 15, Greta 13, Ilsa 11, Sebastian 8, Jakob 5

What are some things you enjoy?  I love family adventures: traveling (especially road trips), hiking, finding new places and things to experience together, sports and being active. I also really love live music and spending time outside.  The best is doing something that combines all of these!  Being active with friends and family.

Have you always enjoyed running? No!  I didn't enjoy running until after college.  After we had our first child, Brian and I decided to run a marathon together.  I loved it and ran another.  (Brian coached track for another 20 years after that, but barely ran again). I have participated in some triathlons as well to mix up my activity.

Do you have a favorite quote? “WELL! And when shall we begin to do good?”  -St. Philip Neri

Theresa Evans

Hi my name is Theresa Evans.

Who makes up your family? I'm the third oldest of 6 kids, and I currently live with my parents and grandparents right outside of St. Paul. 

Do you have a favorite quote? My favorite quote is from an old cross-country teammate: "Never be tempted to believe that your weakness is greater than His strength." Amelia Uppgaard

What are you most looking forward to with regards to the Ragnar Relay? Last year's Ragnar was incredible - it seems crazy, but it was so much fun! I'm looking forward to working hard and coming together as a team/community to complete something that would otherwise be impossible.

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team?  It is powerful to have a greater purpose for running, to support my teammates, as well as women seeking services from Northland. Let's go!!

Anna Torchia

Hi, my name is Anna Torchia

Who makes up your family? My husband and I have five kids in our goon squad and a flock of chickens. 

Have you always enjoyed running? I've always enjoyed running, I started when I was in third grade in a track rec league and then ran the 400m hurdles in college.

How do you take your coffee? I love my coffee very hot and very black.  

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team?  I am running because of the group of women who committed to this team and to support the mission of Northland Family Programs. 


Anna Crain

Hi, my name is Anna Crain

Who makes up your family? I am a wife to Michael Crain, and we have 6 children. 3 Boys and 3 Girls

Who inspires you? My Mom inspires me. I also am a fan of Grandmas.

What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team? I run for Northland because women are amazing, the way our bodies work is incredible yet sometimes complicated and I truly believe it is important to journey with a practitioner and/or friend to help us on to achieve and understand our bodies.

KarLee Crain

Hi! My name is KarLee Crain! 

Who makes up your family? I am married to my husband John and we have 4 kids.  

Do you have a favorite quote? One of my favorite quotes is by Saint Teresa of Calcutta “Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier.”

What are you most looking forward to with regards to the Ragnar Relay? I am looking forward to running with the team and seeing my husband and kids cheer for me!

 What is your why? Why did you commit to running on the Women Run for Women Team? I committed to running on the Women Run for Women Team because I want my kids, and everyone else, to know their fertility is a gift and it’s actually a beautiful thing if you get to know your body through NFP.

McKenzie Orr

Hi my name is McKenzie Orr.

Who makes up your family? I am from Rice Lake, WI and the second oldest of 6 kids. 

What are some things you enjoy? I love to watch and participate in sports, especially basketball and volleyball. I love to spend time adventuring outdoors and trying new food and drinks. I appreciate new adventures and opportunities.

Have you always enjoyed running?  I used to never enjoy running but after I was done playing sports, I have begun to love running outside. My favorite race I ever did was the tough mudder!